6. Processed telematics data format
Processed telematics data contains information about tracks, points, and events after road mapping, events detection and filtering, scoring and other ML enrichments
Table name | Short description |
Track Enrichment Finished đ Dataset | âšī¸ This JSON file you will get from API when you subscribed on TrackEnrichmentFinished event. đ More about data export |
JSON structure description
Object | Description |
StartDate | Start Date |
EndDate | End Date |
Status | Trip's activity status |
Distance | Distance in km |
Duration | Duration in minutes |
AccelerationCount | Acceleration Count per Trip |
DecelerationCount | DecelerationCount per Trip |
AddressStart | Address Start from Here API |
AddressEnd | AddressFinish from Here API |
Rating | 5-star Scoring |
RatingCornering | 5-star RatingCornering |
RatingAcceleration | 5-star RatingAcceleration |
RatingBraking | 5-star RatingBraking |
RatingSpeeding | 5-star RatingSpeeding |
RatingPhoneUsage | 5-star RatingPhoneUsage |
RatingTimeOfDay | 5-star RatingTimeOfDay |
PhoneUsage | Phone Usage in minutes |
MidOverSpeedMileage | Mileage in medium OverSpeed zone in km (over km/h) |
HighOverSpeedMileage | Mileage in high OverSpeed zone in km (over km/h) |
OriginChanged | Boolean for user changed his track origin |
TrackOriginCode | Type of trip |
DrivingTips | Short tips for drivers |
Points | Array of trip's points |
ShareType | Status of trip share |
CityStart | Start city |
CityFinish | Finish city |
BeaconId | id of beacon if connected |
Rating100 | Rating 100-scale format |
RatingCornering100 | Cornering Rating 100-scale format |
RatingAcceleration100 | Acceleration Rating 100-scale format |
RatingBraking100 | Braking Rating 100-scale format |
RatingSpeeding100 | Speeding Rating 100-scale format |
RatingPhoneDistraction100 | Phone Distraction Rating 100-scale format |
EcoScoreFuel | EcoScoring on Fuel efficiency |
EcoScoreTyres | EcoScoring on Tyres amortisation |
EcoScoreBrakes | EcoScoring on Brakes amortisation |
EcoScoreDepreciation | EcoScoring on overall amortisation |
EcoScore | Aggregated total eco score |
AddressStartParts | Array of address start objects |
AddressFinishParts | Array of address finish objects |
Points JSON description
Points JSON is array of point objects that contain information about concrete location
Object | Description |
Id | unique id of point |
Number | order number of point in trip |
TotalMeters | Distance made to point |
Speed | Speed in km/h, corrected by algorithms |
MidSpeed | Speed in km/h, as it is from sensor |
PointDate | Date of point |
Latitude | Latitude |
Longitude | Longitude |
Height | Height GPS sensor data |
Course | Course GPS sensor data |
Yaw | Yaw GPS sensor data |
Lateral | Lateral acceleration as it is from sensor |
AlertType | Type of alert: - Acceleration - Deceleration |
AlertValue | Force of event in m/s2 |
SpeedType | Low/Medium/High |
SpeedLimit | Speed Limit in point in km/h |
PhoneUsage | 1 for Phone Usage 0 for no Phone Usage |
Cornering | 1 for cornering |
AddressStartParts/AddressFinishParts JSON description
This object contains details on address start and finish
Object |
CountryCode |
Country |
County |
PostalCode |
State |
City |
District |
Street |
House |
Updated over 3 years ago