Events detection description and settings

Events description

Cornering - the measure of how sharply a person enters a turn. The situation when a person enters a corner at high speed or hardly applies brakes entering the turn or accelerates entering the turn.

Braking - the measure of how sharply a person applies the brakes. The situation when a person pushes the braking pedal hardly and loses much speed.

Acceleration - when the driver presses the pedal to the floor for a significant amount of time (more than 1 sec)

Speeding - excess of the actual speed over the speed limits set by local authorities. The information about speed limits is provided by Google maps, HERE Location and the local map provides.
There are 3 levels of speeding that can be configured:

  • No fine speeding - a buffer above speed limits that is not penalized
  • Moderate speeding - minor speeding. for example, up to 20 km/h above speed limits
  • Aggressive speeding - significant speeding, for example, 30 mph above speed limits

Distracted phone usage - events when a driver keeps a smartphone in his hands and "plays with applications", calls, messages while driving at a speed of more than 10km/h that causes distracted driving.

Events settings

Acceleration based events

Acceleration based events are associated with harsh movements aligned with Car direction or perpendicular to it:

  • Braking: harsh acceleration event against the direction of car movement
  • Acceleration: harsh acceleration event co-directed with car movement
  • Cornering: harsh acceleration event movement vector is perpendicular to the car movement direction

Each type of event can be adjusted according to customer needs.
The Parameters that can be adjusted:

  • Force - acceleration of the event
  • Duration - time length of the event
  • Speed - the speed at which the event occurred

Acceleration based events thresholds settings

Event typeForceDurationSpeed
Braking<= -2.7 m/s2>= 600ms>= 25km/h
Acceleration>= 2.7 m/s2>= 600ms>= 25km/h
Cornering>= 3 m/s2>= 600ms>= 25km/h


Events ML filtering

By default Acceleration Events are filtered by ML model in order to eliminate events that occur during phone usage or/and phone movements; this filtering is enabled by default and can be switched off which is not recommended

Speeding events

Speeding events are associated with the user exceeding the speed limits

Speeding events settings

Customer can set up several intervals for speeding limits - modify number of intervals and allowed overspending for different speed limits.

Example of settings and default parameters:

Speed LimitAllowed overspeeding
85 km/h15 km/h
>= 85km/h20 km/h

Phone usage

Phone usage is a distraction event detected by ML algorithms. Phone usage events are detected using an ML algorithm that detects behavior patterns based on Accelerometer, Gyroscope, and Screen status.

Phone usage settings

The minimum speed at which phone usage is penalized 15 km/h - can be modified.