Advanced configuration
Now when your company is set up on the DataHub and the SDK is installed in your mobile app, you can start tuning your product and integrating our platform into your environment.
Depending on your app, this can range from basic access to our Analytics API to a highly complex solution that integrates not only app users and their devices with our platform, but also your own back end, admin access for user management, and advanced statistics, as well as other advanced features.
We recommend studying the rest of the services and features in the following order:
Telematics Platform:
Overall the platform architecture description and data hierarchy. This part gives you a sense of architecture and opportunities for your product.
Important information about the overall platform and API layout as well as information about authentication methods and keys.
This part provides you with details on available options for data management. By default we provide full data processing workflow, however, some projects do not require that.
Detailed information about data management workflow, available type of data with dataset examples. Apart from that, the article explains available automatics data-export options and how to set up it.
Telematics SDK:
SDK has a multiple operational modes and you can chose those that better fit your product requirements. it can capture driving behavior, broadcast in realtime data to 3rd party platforms, or even transfer data from your vehicle to the platform.
The SDK supports five different tracking modes. This part explains how all these modes are different, how you can set up and manage them and you can chose which one works best for you.
The tags unlocks endless opportunities in using the telematics SDK. you can simply tag a trip with its own name, for example order ID for your delivery staff, or combine several trips under one tag to get a consolidated statistics. Even more, you can split a single trip into segments,
The SDK has in-built permissions wizard. You can customize and utilize it in your project. It walks app users through necessary permissions and friendly explains why it is needed.
This part describes the existing methods that you can find in the SDK. For example, if you want to show in your app a list of trips or detailed trip analysis, you can easily get this information directly from the SDK.
Subscribe and listen to the selected activities. SDK would be happy to keep you posted. You even can set a speed threshold and we will inform the app when the driver exceed it, or get information when the driver started a trip
You have a team of gurus who designed their own algorithms but are you struggling with reliable and accurate data sources? this article gives you an overview of how you can do it in our telematics SDK. connect your algorithms and the SDK will feed your algorithms with real-time high-frequency data.
API Services and telematics APIs
A set of APIs to manage a DeviceToken and user details that you can use in Datahub.
The service allows to manage vehicle records. Some products are required to have a VehicleToken, this service is exactly for that.
These services help you to engage your drivers, add gamification and competition to your product.
Driving statistics, safe driving and eco-driving scores are here.
All details about trip data, waypoint, and incidents are available at this part
The service allows you to get heartbeats information, device and permissions status,
Here are sharing information on how you can set up data export, either to AWS S3 Bucket, or to your own server via AWS SNS service or Azure notification services
Get more on how to connect Bluetooth OBD to the SDK and get vehicle data.
The SDK can be used as an alternative to telematics devices and transfer real-time location data to your existing fleet management platform. this part explains how to do that.
Platform Architecture and Workflows
Using the SDK
Using the API
Data Management
Depending on your use case:
- Common Concepts
- Features
- Scoring Models
- User Engagement
- Advanced SDK Features
- Other Topics
- Case studies
Updated 7 months ago