DataHub - web console

DataHub is the back-end configuration interface of our platform.

It contains 3 main parts:

  • πŸ‘‰ Product management
    a set of services to manage Telematics SDK, API services and Platform
  • πŸ‘‰ DataTool
    a workspace for developers to get full system information about the user device and SDK
  • πŸ‘‰ Analytics portal
    a set of workspaces to work with users, analytics, telematics data, and other API services



User Group Credentials
The main link here, the part which contains credentials for SDK User registration

Company Settings
Basic Company information like Name, Country.

Access management
Invite your partners and co-workers to DataHub to work with driver analytics. Note, that you can invite them across different levels.
πŸ‘‰ Read more

Application Settings
Basic Application info like name and stores links.

SDK Installation
A link to this developer hub.

a workspace for developers to get full system information about the user device and SDK.
πŸ‘‰ Learn more

Group Settings
Page to manage basic group settings like name and description. Also, you can delete a user group from this page.
πŸ‘‰ [Learn more about User Groups] (

Realtime data
The feature enables real-time data collection. This service allows you to use telematics SDK as a location tracker and use it with any 3rd party fleet management platform.
πŸ‘‰ [Learn more] (

Manage a schedule and apply rules when SDK has to track drivers, i.e. you can set working hours from 9 am to 6 pm and SDK will track activities only during working hours.
πŸ‘‰ Read more

You can set up rules how you'd like the DriveCoins to be calculated.
πŸ‘‰ Learn More

Admin Credentials
Create admin credentials to build back-end integrations and manage users and services.
πŸ‘‰ Platform Layout and Authentication

Application ID

some of the functions (example: data export) may require providing App ID or Application ID. You can find it in URL when switching to a dashboard and selecting a relevant application.


User Group credentials

The part provides InstanceID and InstanceKEY for a particular group of users. Each group has a unique combination of InstanceID and InstanceKEY. These details are required to interact with our user-service and create users in order to use Telematics SDK
πŸ‘‰ Platform Layout and Authentication


Realtime data

  • Enable/Disable real-time data
  • Manage IMEI
  • Point data to 3rd party fleet management platform
  • Manage settings for frequency of data collection and transmission

Manage schedule

  • Enable/Disable schedule
  • Create time-slot(s) when SDK has to track activities

Access management

You can provide different levels of access to DataHub for your partners and co-workers. Access management is available across the following levels:

  • Company level
  • Application level
  • User Group level

Users can be invited either via a link or email invitation.


Admin Credentials

These credentials are required to have admin access to the services.

πŸ‘‰ *Authentication and access

DataHub -> Management -> Company -> Admin Credentials


πŸ‘‰ Obtain Admin JWT

Amazon AWS S3 Data Export

You can set up automatic daily export of pre-built reports to your own Amazon S3 Bucket. More details


Back-end Notification (Amazon AWS SNS / Microsoft Azure)

You can set up automatic back-end notifications for different levels of data processing, including raw data.


You can set up rules how you'd like the DriveCoins to be calculated.



The workspace contains 3 main parts:

  • πŸ‘‰ [Check User] ( - a part contains overall information about user details, system information about SDK status, information about the device and shows information about latest known status of granted permissions
  • πŸ‘‰ Export Data - a part which allows to export Raw and Processed Data, Permissions history and Heartbeats (system information)
  • πŸ‘‰ Waypoints Map View - this workspace allows you to view raw waypoints, enriched waypoints and background location data (Heartbeats) on the map.
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User details

Basic information about SDK user, including User ID, personal fields and User Group, where the user was registered.

System Status (SDK, Devices)

This part contains important information about the status of each stage in data management workflow as well as SDK Status.

Status (Heartbeats)

Heartbeats - system information that we receive from SDK in background. Average period of heartbeats is around 2 hours, but it also depends on the stability of a user internet connection.
Heartbeats are used to deliver settings from Damoov server to SDK and also to get Telematics SDK status, including Permissions status, device information, and OS version.

FieldShort description
Tracks on deviceA number of not uploaded trips.
To optimize battery consumption, telematics SDK sends data only while certain level of internet connection. In case of lack of Internet or unstable level of the Internet, SDK stores trip data until it can be sent without impact on a phone battery. Meanwhile, Heartbeat provides information about a number of trips that are still on a smartphone.
Latest Date HeartbeatDate and Time of the latest heartbeat. this information can be used to have the information about the last time SDK activities. If the date is more than 24 hours ago, it usually means that the users has removed the application or has no internet connection for this period or has some issues with permissions or issues with a smartphone.
SDK versionA version of the SDK

Stages of data management workflow

StagesShort description
Invalid Raw TracksThe number of tracks which contain mistakes or can't be recognized as a vehicle trip
Raw TracksThe number of valid tracks we received from SDK to our servers
Processed tracksThe number of tracks that were recognized as valid tracks and were forwarded for processing
Excluded Raw tracksThe number of tracks that were excluded due to insufficient trip metrics to be recognized as a vehicle trip (for example, the length of the track was not long enough)
Enriched tracksThe number of tracks that were processed as vehicle trips. These trips are available for users via a mobile application, DataHub, and trip API

Track Statuses

Raw Tracks Statuses
Raw track StatusDescription
DraftThe track was received.
QueuedThe track is sent for processing.
In ProgressThe track is now processing.
EnrichedThe track was successfully passed the processing stage. NOTE: it doesn't mean that track is Active (view Enriched Track Statuses)
MergedThe track was merged with another raw track. The new track was created.
SplittedThe track was splitted on other raw tracks. The new tracks were created.
DuplicatedThe track was recognized as duplicated. Usually because 2 devices were tracking simultaneously on 1 User ID.
ExcludedThe track was excluded due to insufficient trip metrics to be recognized as a vehicle trip (for example, the length of the track was not long enough)
Enriched Tracks Statuses
Enriched track StatusDescription
DraftThe track is accepted for processing and enriched, but haven't scored and counted in statistics yet.
ActiveVisible in application, participates in statistics / scoring, is returned by default via Trips API, visible in DataHub.

Additional information

FieldShort description
Latest Track DateLatest Enriched Track Date
Latest known waypoint Latitude and LongitudeLatest known location


  • Device model
  • Device OS Version

User permissions

We identify two levels of permissions:

  • Device level
  • App level
GPSCritical, SDK won't work
MotionsSome services won't be available (i.e. phone usage)
Mobile dataDelay with trip processing
WiFi- Low accuracy of location data
- Possible GPS noise
- Android: increased battery consumption
Low precise locationCritical, SDK won't work
Low power modeInconsistent tracking
Device was hackedIndicates if there has been an intervention in device:
iOS: JailBrake
Android: Device has been rooted
NOTE: we do not assist customers who use smartphones with these issues.

Export data

You can download system data that is used as a source for DataTool and get detailed historical information about SDK states and trip recording and processing.

File nameWhat's there?
Invalid Raw TracksA list of invalid trips including a reason why the track was determined as invalid
Raw TracksA list of valid received raw tracks
Raw WaypointsRecorded Waypoints
Excluded Raw TracksA list of excluded on processing stage trips including a reason why the track was excluded
Enriched TracksA list of processed trips
Enriched WaypointsProcessed trips waypoints
Heartbeats (device status)History of Heartbeats, including information when trips started and stopped, the current sdk state and a number of not uploaded trips. Find the description of all fields here

The description of Reason values is below.
Permissions ChangesA history of manipulations when user turned on/off the required permissions for correct tracking

Heartbeats (device status) Reason values description

Reason | ValueDescription
RegularRegular device status which sent every 20min-2hours.
Track startTracking started
Track endTracked ended
Charging startCharging started
Charging endCharging ended
GPS access lostGPS access was swithed off
GPS access startGPS access was swithed on
Wi-Fi access lostWi-Fi access was swithed off
Wi-Fi access startWi-Fi access was swithed on
Log inUserID was installed in SDK
Log outUserID was removed from SDK
Low Power ModeBattery Saver was turned on
Low Precise LocationLow Precise Location was enabled (iOS)
Phone Time ChangedPhone Time Changed
Disabled SDK by usersSDK was disabled
Enabled SDK by usersSDK was enabled
Disabled SDK with upload by usersSDK was disabled, but the Not Loaded Trips were able to upload

Waypoints Map view

This workspace allows you to view raw waypoints, enriched waypoints and background location data (Heartbeats) on the map.

You can use this workspace to get the following information:

  • all recorded activities on a single map
  • all track statuses
  • all movements even those that will be excluded later
  • important heartbeats

It is a powerful tool for troubleshooting and development to check and understand how the tracking works.


User Management

List of users

This workspace gives you access to the user table with main activity information and menu items on the left-hand side.

Available items

  • Email
  • Phone
  • Registration date
  • Name
  • User ID
  • Client ID (Your internal ID)
  • Activity Status
  • Safety score
  • Trip count
  • Mileage
  • Company
  • Application
  • User Group
    [Search and Filters
  • Search Users by User ID, Email, Phone, Name, Client ID (Your internal ID)
  • Filter Results by Registration Date, Activity Status, Company, Application, User Group

Export results in CSV format


Activity Status

Activity StatusDescription
Active (green)User has enriched tracks WITHIN last 14 days
Inactive (yellowUser has enriched tracks OVER last 14 days, but has excluded tracks WITHIN last 14 days, which means that Telematics SDK is active.
Lost (red)User has enriched tracks OVER last 14 days and has excluded tracks OVER last 14 days, which usually means that the app was removed or any issues occurred.
No Data (gray)User has no enriched tracks and no excluded tracks, which means one of these:\n- user was created manually or through API, but app was not installed.\n- user has installed the application, but SDK hasn't been activated. Usually because of the required permissions haven't granted correctly.
Error (vinous)User has NO enriched tracks and has excluded and/or invalid tracks, which means one of these:\n- User really has no tracks that are valid for successful enrichment yet, and after a valid trip his status will be β€œactive”\n- Restrictions on a device (ex. power management restrictions)\n- SDK was not installed properly\n- The device is defected (ex. a lot of GPS low-accuracy outliers or other errors)\nPlease, use DataTool CSV export to investigate it more carefully for each user with this status.

Transfer user to another group

This function allows you to move users between usergroups




Individual Safety Dashboard

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Vehicle Management

Using this interface, you can manage vehicles connected to the user and export raw in-vehicle data collected by Bluetooth OBD


Delete a user

Use the function carefully as it completely deletes the user record and the whole set of telematics data associated with the users without options to recover it. Also, this function is available via method Delete a user



The workspace provides a user current (latest known) status of permissions overview. πŸ‘‰ Fields description


List of trips

The workspace allows you to search for processed trips by User or TripToken applying flexible filters, and to export this data.


Trip details

The workspace allows you to discover each specific trip including Raw data points, Scores, Statistics, Events (incl. Speeding and Phone Usage), Trip Analytics etc.