DriveCoins API


We have designed a service that calculates points, we call it DriveCoins, based on driver performance and safe driving. The service provides you with full flexibility. Define your own rules and get points calculated. Then use directly to engage and reward drivers or through 3rd party.


You can learn how DriveCoins feature works in our showroom open-source app - ZenRoad. Below you can find screenshots, they are placed here for reference purposes only. You can design your own rewarding scheme with our API.



You can set up flexible rules on how DriveCoins will be calculated.


LevelDefine a level to which you want to apply the rules. You can create separate rules for each application or for each User Group.
Company level - the rules will be applied to all your applications and user groups.
Application level - the rules will be applied to all user groups within this application.
User Group level - the rules will be applied only to users within the specified user group.
DailyLimitSet up the maximum value of DriveCoins, that will be acquired to each User daily.
Start DateSet up the date when you want the DriveCoins to start being calculated.
End DateSet up the date when you want the DriveCoins to finish being calculated.
Minimal MileageFilter only those trips that meet this requirement to calculate DriveCoins.
Minimal DurationFilter only those trips with the requirement of minimal driving time to calculate DriveCoins.


Apply the rules for each Statistics and Scores factors
Note: All the events (Accelerations, Brakings etc.) that influence on Safety Score counting are already counted in Safety Score, so we highly recommend not to combine Travelling and Safe Driving categories.


  • Mileage (km/mi)
  • Duration (min)
  • Acceleration Count
  • Braking Count
  • Cornering Count
  • Phone Usage
  • High Speeding Mileage
  • Mid Speeding Mileage

Safe Driving:

  • Safety Score

Eco Driving:

  • Eco Score
  • Eco Score Brakes
  • Eco Score Fuel
  • Eco Score Depreciation
  • Eco Score Tyres

Setting up

Please, complete the form (you can also find it in DataHub => Management => User Group => DriveCoins) to apply conditions and rules for DriveCoins calculation.
You can use our template to adjust your rewarding model:

Once the rules defined, you will be able to get DriveCoins via API and see DriveCoins of each user on Profile page in DataHub


Field NameDescription
DailyLimitDaily Limit of Acquired Coins that is applied to TotalEarnedCoins
TotalEarnedCoinsTotal DriveCoins before applying Daily Limit
AcquiredCoinsTotal DriveCoins after applying Daily Limit
DateUpdatedThe date when the last DriveCoins re-counting occured (depends on the time when the trips were received and processed)
LimitReachedIndicators that shows if the DailyLimit was reached and applied
CoinCategoryNameCategory of factors. Now 3 categories are available:
- Travelling - based on Statistics of each trip
- Safe Driving - based on Safety Score of each trip
- Eco Driving - based on Eco Scores of each trip
CoinFactorFactor in each category
- Mileage
- DurationSec
- AccelerationCount
- BrakingCount
- CorneringCount
- PhoneUsage
- HighSpeedingMileage
- MidSpeedingMileage

Safe Driving:
- SafeScore

Eco Driving:
- EcoScore
- EcoScoreBrakes
- EcoScoreFuel
- EcoScoreDepreciation
- EcoScoreTyres
CoinsSumSum of DriveCoins for each factor during the requested period