2-3. Raw Telematics Data Format

Tracks that are uploaded from user devices arrive in this format.

Raw Telematics Data is a JSON object that contains information about a specific track.

High Level structure of JSON

  "Track": {
    "StartDate": "2020-01-24T12:03:33+0300",
    "EndDate": "2020-01-24T12:20:27+0300",
    "Points": [...],
    "LastKnownPoints": [...],
    "Events": [...],
    "StartReason": "ManualStart",
    "StopReason": "LowSpeedTimeout",
    "DeviceToken": "9a8c56da-348a-4e45-9f6a-699613e8e8ba",
    "CompanyId": 5625,
    "TrackToken": "2482b7f7-b009-4b2e-9537-f68ff26df53d"

We prepared a sample track JSON to download and review.

Description of Track

(ISO 8601 string)
Date, on which recording of this track started.
(ISO 8601 string)
Date, on which recording of this track ended. (string in ISO 8601 format)
(array of objects, see below
An array of geographic points, which make up the route of the track.
(array of objects, see below
Last known GPS points before track start.
(array of objects, see below
An array of objects that describe notable event while the track was recorded (e.g., harsh braking, speeding)
There are different reasons why SDK determines that a track has started, and recording begins:
There are different reasons why a track is determined to be over:
(string containing 16 bytes in ASCII hex format)
Unique Identifier of the user submitting this track.
Unique Identifier of the Company
(string containing 16 bytes in ASCII hex format)
Unique Identifier of this track.

Description of Points

πŸ“„ Parsed JSON Dataset

FieldShort descriptionAdditional information
Numberan order number of point in within the trackStarts from 0
TotalMetersCalculated number of Meters made to this point from the start
SpeedCalculated and filtered speed at this *timestamp (km/h)
midSpeedSpeed as it is from sensor
PointDateTimestamp of point
LatitudeLatitude in degrees
LongitudeLongitude in degrees
HeightHeight above sea level in centimeters
CourseCourse of device in degrees GPS
YawManeuvres data
LateralManeuvres data
AccelerationAcceleration in m/s2
DecelerationDeceleration in m/s2
EstablishedIndexAPoints indexing status field
EstablishedIndexBPoints indexing status field
AccelerationXAcceleration after calc, m/s2
AccelerationYAcceleration after calc, m/s2
AccelerationZAcceleration after calc, m/s2
GyroscopeXValue after calibration
GyroscopeYValue after calibration
GyroscopeZValue after calibration
AccelerationXOriginalOriginal value, m/s2
AccelerationYOriginalOriginal value, m/s2
AccelerationZOriginalOriginal value, m/s2
GyroscopeXOriginalOriginal valueG - iOS; in m/s2 - Android
GyroscopeYOriginalOriginal valueG - iOS; in m/s2 - Android
GyroscopeZOriginalOriginal valueG - iOS; in m/s2 - Android
AccuracyAccuracy of GPS data in meters10 means the points mistake is in radius of 10 meters
BeaconIdId of beacon if exists
Measured powerPower data from vehicle if beacon existsV
RSSIThe strength of the beacon's signal
PingThe ping of the beacon's signalms
VehicleIndicatorsId of user's vehicle if connected
UrbanFlag of point attributed to urban area
QuantileFor each second of acceleration and gyroscope data we rotate axis to align with direction of movement and aggregate values with frequency of 1HZ

This field is JSON object that collects aggregated acceleration and horoscope data for each second.

Turned off by default

Description of Last known points

πŸ“„ [Parsed JSON Dataset] (https://datamotion.docsend.com/view/bvit2t2nz89xcv3j)

FieldShort descriptionAdditional information
PointDateUnique point id
LatitudeLatitude in degrees
LongitudeLongitude in degrees
AccuracyAccuracy of GPS data in meters10 means the points mistake is in radius of 10 meters
PointOriginSource of the point:
- Heartbeat
- Track

Description of one event in Events JSON

Events is array of JSON objects, each object is event, event is threshold triggered window unity that collects sensor's data in the initiated event recording

FieldShort descriptionAdditional information
Typetype of eventcornering/braking/acceleration/accident
PointStartCoordinates at event start
PrevEventSpeedSpeed at which previous event occurredm/s
SpeedStartSpeed at event startm/s
PureDurationEvent duration in ms (excluding all gaps between acceleration points - time from start to end)ms
SpeedStopSpeed at event startm/s
AccelerationLateral (1) Acceleration rate at the beginning of event that is aligned with perpendicular vector to direction of movementm/s2
AccelerationDirect (2) Acceleration rate at the beginning of event that is aligned with vector of movementm/s2
PointEndCoordinates at event end
AccelerationLateralEnd(1) at the end of windowm/s2
AccelerationVerticalEndVertical acceleration at the end of [window]m/s2
AccelerationDirectEnd(2) at the end of windowm/s2
RangeDirectAggregated metics on (1) inside event windowm/s2
RangeLateralAggregated metics on (2) inside event windowm/s2
RangeVerticalAggregated metics on Vertical acceleration inside event window
AccuracyGPS accuracy at the beginning of eventm
SpeedGPS speed at the beginning of eventm/s
TimeStartTime of event started recording
DurationEvent duration in ms (including all gaps between acceleration points - time from start to end)
SpeedMedianMedian speed during event window
AccelerationVerticalVertical accelerationms