11. Dataset for BI
Template reports connection: Quicksight and S3 and DataStudio and Google Storage
CSV Tables Description (tables are extracted to root folder)
Table name | Short description |
Trips 👉 Description 📄 Dataset | Trips data to create BI reports |
Field | Short description | Additional information |
TrackToken | unique track id | |
InstanceId | id of instance | |
InstanceName | name of instance | |
CompanyId | id of company | |
CompanyName | name of company | |
StartCountry | Country of track start point | |
FinishCountry | Country of track end point | |
StartCity | City of track start point | |
FinishCity | City of track end point | |
StartDistrict | District of track start point | |
FinishDistrict | District of track end point | |
StartPostalCode | Postal Code of track start point | |
FinishPostalCode | Postal Code of track end point | |
DeviceToken | User id | |
Rating100Bucket | Bucket of track's rating 40-60-80-100 | |
Rating100 | Rating of trip in 100-scale | |
RatingPhoneUsage100 | Phone usage rating of trip in 100-scale | |
RatingOverSpeed100 | Overspeed rating of trip in 100-scale | |
RatingAcceleration100 | Acceleration rating of trip in 100-scale | |
RatingDeceleration100 | Deceleration rating of trip in 100-scale | |
RatingCornering100 | Cornering rating of trip in 100-scale | |
EcoScoring | Ecoscoring in 100-scale | |
EcoScoringDepreciation | Depreciation scoring in 100-scale | |
EcoScoringBrakes | Brakes scoring in 100-scale | |
EcoScoringFuel | Fuel scoring in 100-scale | |
EcoScoringTyres | Tyres scoring in 100-scale | |
DistanceGPSBucket | Bucket of trip's distance 0-10-30-50-70-100+ km | |
DistanceGPS | Distance of trip in km | |
StartDateDate | Date of trip's start | |
YearWeek | Week number of trip's start | |
StartDateHour | Hour of trip's start | |
HasOverspeed | Flag for overspending existence in trip | |
OverSpeedMileage | Low overspeed mileage | |
MidOverSpeedMileage | Mid overspeed mileage | |
HighOverSpeedMileage | High overspeed mileage | |
TotalOverspeed | Total overspeed mileage | |
Duration | Duration of trips in minutes | |
HasAcceleration | Flag for trip has accelerations | |
HasBraking | Flag for trip has braking | |
HasCornering | Flag for trip has cornering | |
AccelerationCount | Number of accelerations | |
DecelerationCount | Number of decelerations | |
CorneringCount | Number of cornerings | |
HasPhoneUsage | Flag for trips has phone usage | |
PhoneUsage | Phone usage in minutes | |
TripType | Intracity or between cities |
Updated about 3 years ago