Methods for iOS app

SDK Initialization

First, initialize a new RPEntry class instance with a specified device ID. This method must be the first method calling from RaxelPulse SDK in the applicationdidFinishLaunchingWithOptions method.

[RPEntry initializeSDK];

Log in

[RPEntry instance].virtualDeviceToken = @"VIRTUAL_DEVICE_TOKEN";
[[RPEntry instance] setEnableSdk:true];
RPEntry.instance.virtualDeviceToken = "VIRTUAL_DEVICE_TOKEN"

Log out

[[RPEntry instance] logout];

Enable/ Disable SDK


Empty or nil token is not allowed

Enable SDK

[[RPEntry instance] setEnableSdk:true];

Disable SDK

Note: It is not necessary to remove virtual device token. If sdk is disabled no any data will be collected.

❗ Starting from 7.0.0 the method triggers the following actions: stops tracking -> stops heartbeats -> forces unsent data upload -> disables the SDK.

[[RPEntry instance] setEnableSdk:false];

Disable SDK with enforced trip uploading (deprecated)
using this method, SDK will enforce trip uploading and then will be disabled.

Note: 'setDisableWithUpload' method is deprecated. Now 'setEnableSdk' method must be used.

[[RPEntry instance] setDisableWithUpload];

Check SDK status

BOOL isSDKEnabled = [[RPEntry instance] isSDKEnabled];
let isSDKEnabled = RPEntry.instance.isSDKEnabled()

Check required permissions status

BOOL isGranted = [[RPEntry instance] isAllRequiredPermissionsGranted];
let isGranted = RPEntry.instance.isAllRequiredPermissionsGranted()

Enable/ Disable Tracking


Disable tracking doesn't disable SDK and it will continue to send Heartbeats. If you want the SDK to stop sending any data, you have to use Disable SDK method

Enable tracking

[RPEntry instance].disableTracking = NO; //enable tracking
RPEntry.instance.disableTracking = false //enable tracking

Disable tracking

[RPEntry instance].disableTracking = YES; //disable tracking
RPEntry.instance.disableTracking = true //disable tracking

Manual start/ stop tracking

Manual start tracking


Manual start tracking doesn't disable automatic stop tracking.

[[RPEntry instance] startTracking];

Manual stop tracking

[[RPEntry instance] stopTracking];

Persistent Tracking


Persistent tracking ignores all stop tracking reasons and continues before 'stopTracking' method will be called. Max persistent tracking duration is 10 hours. then, it will be automatically terminated.

[[RPEntry instance] startPersistentTracking];

Enable Aggressive Heartbeats

The telematics SDK supports two operational modes for heartbeats;

Aggressive heartbeats- heartbeats are sent every 20 minutes. SDK is always active.
Normal Heartbeats - heartbeats are sent every 20 minutes but when SDK turns into Standby mode, it will be activated only by a new trip, and heartbeat will be sent respectively.

Note: Aggressive heartbeats significantly increases battery usage


[[RPEntry instance] setAggressiveHeartbeats:NO];

Check state


[[RPEntry instance] aggressiveHeartbeat];

Enable Ads ID

To enable Ads ID, you have to provide an Advertisement identifier to SDK. Please add these lines near the code from the previous section. Make sure, you added import section
#import <AdSupport/AdSupport.h>

Enable high-frequency data collection (HF)

HF data is enabled by default.

Enable Accidents detection.

Accidents detection is disabled by default. You can enable detection.
In order for accidents detection to work, you need to enable high-frequency data collection

[[RPEntry instance] enableAccidents:true];

Enable Bluetooth OBD

Bluetooth OBD/ELM functionality enables the host app to work with Bluetooth OBD devices to get in-vehicle data 👉 Dataset . To enable this, please use the method below:

[[RPEntry instance] enableELM:YES];

Connect Bluetooth OBD

Please refer to a special page that we created for the Bluetooth OBD integration
Setting up for iOS app
Setting up for Android app



The detailed information about using Tags is available here

Get a list of trips

[[RPEntry instance].api getTracksWithOffset:0
                                  ompletion:^(NSArray<RPTrackProcessed *> * _Nonnull tracks, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    if (error) {
        /// Implement updating your ViewController with error
        /// Implement updating your ViewController with new data
RPEntry.instance.api.getTracksWithOffset(0, limit: 10) { tracks, error in
    if let error {
        /// Implement updating your ViewController with error
        /// Implement updating your ViewController with new data

Get trip details

[[RPEntry instance].api getTrackWithTrackToken:@"SELECTED_TRACK_TOKEN"
                                    completion:^(RPTrackProcessed * _Nullable track, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    if (error) {
        /// Implement updating your ViewController with error
    if (track) {
        /// Implement updating your ViewController with new data
RPEntry.instance.api.getTrackWithTrackToken("SELECTED_TRACK_TOKEN") { track, error in
    if let error {
        /// Implement updating your ViewController with error
    if let track {
        /// Implement updating your ViewController with new data

Change a Transportation type

[[RPEntry instance].api changeTrackOrigin:RPTrackOriginCodeOriginalDriver
                               completion:^(RPStatusCodeResponse * _Nullable status, NSError * _Nullable error) {

//Avilable origins:
RPEntry.instance.api.changeTrackOrigin(.originalDriver, forTrackToken: "SELECTED_TRACK_TOKEN") { code, error in

//Avilable origins:

Upload unsent trips

[[RPEntry instance] uploadUnsentTrips];

Get unsent trips

NSInteger count = [[RPEntry instance] getUnsentTripCount];
NSLog(@"unsent trips count - %ld", (long)count);
let count = RPEntry.instance.getUnsentTripCount()
print("unsent trips count - \(count)")

Send a custom heartbeat

[[RPEntry instance] sendCustomHeartbeat:@"CustomHeartbeat" completion:^(Boolean success, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    if (error) {
      NSLog(@"error - %@", error.localizedDescription);
RPEntry.instance.sendCustomHeartbeat("CustomHeartbeat") { success, error in
	if let error {
		print("error - \(error.localizedDescription)")