AppStore app policy
for tracking or safe-driving app
App policy Introduction
As a part of submission, you have to complete app policy and describe app functionalities. We have prepared an standard answers for apps with Damoov telematics services. However, you app might have different functions and use user data differently. so, use our guide an a template, but try to be specific to your product.

Data collection
Option: Yes, we collect data from this app

Contact info
For this guide, we use Zenroad app as an example. In Zenroad we collect Name, email, phone number. if you use The telematics SDK, you have to mark relevant data items for your product.

Health & Fitness
The telematics SDK uses motion sensors for Fitness purpose only. We do not capture Health data.

Financial info
The telematics SDK doesn't collect any financial information. so, this part should be completed based on your product specific.

The telematics SDK uses Precise Location.


Name and user details
The telematics SDK doesn't interact with any personal information related to name, phone numbers etc, except location data. This item has to be selected based on your product features.

Name and tracking
The telematics SDK uses it is own identifier (DeviceToken) for tracking purpose.

Updated over 3 years ago