Bluetooth OBD Troubleshooting



Vehicle requirements:

Vehicle has an OBD II port and supports speed code - PID 010D


Smartphone requirements

Smartphone supports BLE

Troubleshooting guide

High-level scheme




Make sure you have all necessary items:

  1. Smartphone that supports BLE
  2. BLE OBD
  1. Download Zenroad mobile app
  1. Try to register device via Zenroad app
    open the app -> Settings -> Connect OBD -> follow the wizard.

There are two main steps:

  1. Search device
  2. Connect device

identify a step where you have an issue.

1.Search device

Zenroad app doesn't show a BLE OBD in the list of devices. if so, please follow the steps below:

  1. install CarScanned app
  1. Open CarScanner -> Connect via BLE Bluetooth Low Energy
  2. Search available devices:


Possible reason

Next steps

The device is shown in the CarScanner app, but not shown in Zenroad app.

Contact our support team

The device is not shown in the CarScanner app

  • Smartphone doesn't support BLE
  • OBD has Bluetooth, but not BLE (Bluetoooth 4.0)

Please repeat the steps above with the following options:

  1. try another smartphone
  2. try another device

Connect device

  1. Turn off the vehicle engine
  2. Repeat the connection

if no success, please install CarScanned app

  1. Open CarScanner -> Connect via BLE Bluetooth Low Energy
  2. Search available devices
  3. Connect the device
  4. Open Terminal in the CarScanner app
  5. Send the code - 010D


Possible reason

Next steps


Contact our support team

No Data

The car's board computer doesn't provide device with correct answer or device doesn't support the speed code.

Try another OBD device.

in rare cases, the vehicle doesn't support the speed code and can't be used with BLE OBD device.