8. Device Status

Heartbeats are system messages generated periodically by every user device.


Device Status (Former Heartbeats) is a system message that the SDK generates in the background and transfers to the Damoov platform. The average period of heartbeats is around 2 hours, but it depends on the stability of the internet connection. Heartbeats provide an SDK status and system information such as permissions statuses and device information.

API reference

👉 The latest Device status

JSON Data Format

"Result": [
        "UserId": "736cbd83-a937-4889-ae79-af2d5b63d63d",
        "Heartbeat Date": "2020-12-03T06:24:14.9145253",
        "WiFi Enabled": true,
        "GPS Enabled": true,
        "Mobile Data Enabled": false,
        "Latitude": 43.4650551,
        "Longitude": 40.9211685,
        "Extended Data": {
            "Application": "v1.5.4.20201230.0001 (com.raxel.coreproduct)",
            "Device Has Been Rooted (Android)": "0",
            "Device Model": "iPhone8,4",
            "Device OS Version": "iOS 14.0.1",
            "GPS Permission Granted": "Always",
            "JailBreak (iOS)": "0",
            "Low Power Mode": "false",
            "Low Precise Location (iOS)": "false",
            "Motion & Fitness Permission Granted (iOS)": "YES",
            "Motion Activity Permission Granted (Android)": "false",
            "SDK Version": "RPSDK v5.9.0.204 - 2020-11-30T13:52:27+0300"
        "UserId": "736cbd83-a937-4889-ae79-af2d5b63d63d",
        "Heartbeat Date": "2020-12-03T06:24:14.9145253",
        "WiFi Enabled": true,
        "GPS Enabled": true,
        "Mobile Data Enabled": false,
        "Latitude": 43.4650551,
        "Longitude": 40.9211685,
        "Extended Data": {
            "Application": "v1.5.4.20201230.0001 (com.raxel.coreproduct)",
            "Device Has Been Rooted (Android)": "0",
            "Device Model": "iPhone8,4",
            "Device OS Version": "iOS 14.0.1",
            "GPS Permission Granted": "Always",
            "JailBreak (iOS)": "0",
            "Low Power Mode": "false",
            "Low Precise Location (iOS)": "false",
            "Motion & Fitness Permission Granted (iOS)": "YES",
            "Motion Activity Permission Granted (Android)": "false",
            "SDK Version": "RPSDK v5.9.0.204 - 2020-11-30T13:52:27+0300"
    "Status": 200,
    "Title": "",
    "Errors": []


Note: some fields are actual numbers and booleans, while others are strings that represent a number of a boolean. Make sure to access properly in your code.

FieldShort description
(string containing 16 bytes in ASCII hex format)
User's DeviceToken
Heartbeat Date
(ISO 8601 string)
Date when this heartbeat was recorded.
WiFi Enabled
True if WiFi is enabled on the device.
GPS Enabled
True if GPS is enabled on the device.
Mobile Data Enabled
True if Mobile Data enabled on the device.
Latitude where this heartbeat was recorded (or last known latitude)
Longitude where this heartbeat was recorded (or last known longitude)
Device Has Been Rooted (Android)
"1" if it is an Android device that has been rooted.
Device Model
Device Model
(e.g., iPhone8,4)
Device OS Version
Device OS Version
(e.g. iOS 14.0.1)
GPS Permissions Granted
Type of permission the device has to access the GPS sensor:
when using
JailBreak (iOS)
(string containing number)
"1", if it is an iOS device that has been jailbroken (hacked)
Low Power Mode"false", if low power mode is not active (required for accurate tracking)
Low Precise location (iOS)"false" if low precision location is not active (required for tracking)
Motion & Fitness Permission Granted (iOS)"YES", if this is an iOS device and permission is granted (required for accurate tracking)
Note: This permits access to the acceleration sensors required for detection of harsh braking, sharp cornering, etc.
Motion Activity Permission Granted (Android)"true", if this is an Android device and permission to access Motion Activity has been granted.


Heartbeat information is available in the following workspaces: