Permissions Score
The Permissions Score evaluates how the user’s interaction with permissions (e.g., enabling or disabling GPS) affects the integrity of the telematics data. This score determines whether the collected data can be considered reliable and free from intentional or unintentional disruptions.
Key factors influencing Permissions Score:
• GPS toggling behavior: Turning GPS off and on, especially when it occurs in different locations or during critical tracking periods, can impact the score.
• Stable permission usage: Consistent and uninterrupted permission use ensures higher reliability, resulting in a high Permissions Score.
Scoring thresholds:
• Healthy (Above 90): No manipulations or disruptions detected; data integrity is high.
• Moderate (80-90): Some minor interruptions in permissions; data requires closer inspection.
• Attention Required (Below 80): Significant permission-related issues; data integrity may be compromised.
The Permissions Score helps businesses identify if user behavior might affect data quality, ensuring decisions are based on trustworthy information.
Updated 3 months ago