Processed telematics data format
Processed telematics data contains information about tracks, points, and events after road mapping, events detection and filtering, scoring and other ML enrichments
Table name | Short description |
Track Enrichment Finished 📄 Dataset | ℹ️ This JSON file you will get from API when you subscribed on TrackEnrichmentFinished event. |
Rich tracks | A list of processed trips with statistics and safe scoring.
RichTrackPoints | Processed track points (waypoints)
RichTrackEvents | Processed and filtered events
RichTrackDetails | Trip safe driving score and fine points calculation that is used as a basis for the safe driving score calculation
UserStatisticDrivingDetails | User safe driving score and fine points calculation that is used as a basis for the safe driving score calculation
Rich tracks
Field | Short description | Additional information |
Id | Unique id of rich track | |
TrackToken | Unique Track Token | |
DeviceToken | Unique user id | User-service |
IncomingTrackId | Unique Incoming track id (Raw track id) | |
StartDate | Start date of the trip | |
EndDate | End date of the trip | |
Distance | Trip distance in km | |
Duration | Trip duration in minutes | |
AccelerationCount | A number of acceleration events during the trip | |
DecelerationCount | A number of braking events during the trip | |
Rating | 5-star Safe Score rating | |
PhoneUsage | Phone Usage in minutes | |
TrackOrigin | Track source from application or Machine Learning | |
OriginChanged | Flag of changing track source | |
AddressStart | Address Start | |
AddressFinish | Address Finish | |
DistanceGPS | DistanceGPS - distance based on enriched data km | |
Urban | City Flag; 1-City; 0-rest | |
Region | Region from start point | |
Country | Country from start point | |
RatingOverSpeed | 5-star Speeding rating | |
RatingAcceleration | 5-star Acceleration rating | |
RatingPhoneUsage | 5-star Phone usage ration | |
OverSpeedMileage | Mileage with 10-20 OverSpeed in km (over km/h) | |
MidOverSpeedMileage | Mileage with 20-30 OverSpeed in km (over km/h) | |
HighOverSpeedMileage | Mileage with 30+ OverSpeed in km (over km/h) | |
OriginalTrackOrigin | If track origin is changed; original track origin moves to this field | |
CompanyId | Unique company id | |
RushHours | Driving time in rush hours in minute (8-10, 17-19) | |
NightHours | Driving time in night hours in minute (23-6) | |
DailyHours | Driving time in other hours in minute | |
RatingDeceleration | 5-star Braking Rating | |
MaxSpeed | Maximum detected speed (km/h) within the trip | |
AverageSpeed | Average Speed (km/h) | |
PhoneUsageKm | Phone Usage in km shared 1 if ride is shared with other user | |
citystart | Start City | |
cityfinish | Finish City | |
updatedt | date of update in DB | |
corneringcount | Number of cornering within the trip | |
ratingcornering | 5-star RatingCornering | |
beaconid | Unique device ID | |
deviationmeters | Euclidean norm of the difference between enriched and incoming points in meters | |
vehicletoken | Unique vehicle ID | Car-service |
datecreated | date when the trip was received and created in the DB |
Rich track points (waypoints)
Field | Short description | Additional information |
id | Unique if of point | |
RichTrackId | RichTrackId | |
Number | Number of point in track | |
TotalMeters | Distance since start of track enriched (meters) | |
Speed | Speed in point (km/h) | |
MidSpeed | Average speed since previous point (km/h) | |
PointDate | Point time | |
Latitude | Latitude (processed) | |
Longitude | Longitude (processed) | |
Height | Height from GPS | |
Course | Course from GPS | |
Yaw | Yaw from GPS | |
Lateral | Lateral acceleration | |
AlertType | AlertType acceleration - for acceleration; deacc for Braking | |
AlertValue | Value of acceleration/ braking in m/s2 | |
SpeedType | Speed type for colouring map | Level 1; Level 2; Level 3 |
SpeedLimit | Speedlimit in km/h | Source: External location platform |
PhoneUsage | Phone usage: 1- true. | |
Acceleration | Acceleration front value of acceleration in m/s2 | |
Deceleration | Braking front value of deceleration in m/s2 | |
TickTimestamp | Timestamp | |
Urban | Flag of city | |
FromSource | Original or added by processing of the point | |
LinkIdMatched | external partner match id | |
TypicalSpeed | Typical and average traffic speed for this point | Source: External location platform |
RoadType | Road Type | Source: External location platform |
Midroute | Distance since previous point | |
Interval | Duration since previous point | |
Turn | Turn flag (left - right - no turn) | |
LaneCount | Lane Count Number of lanes on the road | Source: External location platform |
SpeedLimitSource | External partner id | Source: External location platform |
TotalMetersGPS | Distance since the start of the trip | |
MidrouteGPS | Distance since previous point original | |
DeviceToken | Unique user id | |
CompanyId | Unique company id | |
Cornering | 1 - true | |
Rotation | Rotation in point | |
Deviation meters | Deviation from associated incoming points | |
s2index | Index of google s2 cell; 16-level | |
eventid | Unique event id | |
straightroad | 1 if curvature of the road is >= 1700 |
Rich Track Events
Field | Short description | Additional information |
id | Unique event ID within the trip | |
richtrackid | Unique trip id after processing | |
type | type of event:
| |
timestart | time of event start | |
durationms | Duration of the event with all gaps between acceleration points in ms | |
puredurationms | Duration of points with acceleration >= threshold in ms | |
speedstart | GPS speed at the beginning of event | |
speedstop | GPS speed at the end of event | |
speedmedian | Median GPS speed during event | |
Accelerations | Type:
| |
Accuracy | GPS accuracy during event Calc type:
| |
Speed | GPS speed during event Calc type:
| |
LatitudeStart | Latitude of event start | |
LongitudeStart | Longitude of event start | |
LatitudeFinish | Latitude of event finish | |
LongitudeFinish | Longitude of event finish | |
PhoneUsagePoints | Indicator of phone usage in this event; based on ML algorithm; if 1 then event is ignored; 1-false | |
fitstresholds | Indicator of event adequacy; based on ML algorithm; 1-we use event |
Rich Track Details
Field | Short description | Additional information |
Richtrackid | Id of rich track | |
id | id of detail | |
devicetoken | user’s device token | |
avglat | Average Latitude of track | |
avglon | Average Longitude of track | |
startlat | Start Latitude of track | |
startlon | Start Longitude of the track | |
finishlat | Finish Latitude of track | |
finishlon | Finish Longitude of track | |
starts2index | Google s2 start index of track (16 level) | |
finishs2index | Google s2 end index of track (16 level) | |
accpoints | Acceleration penalty points | |
deaccpoints | Deceleration penalty points | |
speedpoints | Speeding penalty points | |
phonepoints | Phone Usage penalty points | |
corneringpoints | Cornering penalty points | |
totalpoints | Total penalty points |
User Statistic Driving Details
This table contains safe driving score information and the basis for its calculation.
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Field | Short description | |
Devicetoken | Unique user id | |
calcdate | Date of calculation | |
| 2-week acceleration score | Part of safe score |
| 2-week braking score | Part of safe score |
| 2-week speeding score | Part of safe score |
| 2-week phone usage score | Part of safe score |
| 2-week cornering score | Part of safe score |
Score | 2-week total safe score | calculation of 5 scores above |
| Acceleration penalty points for 2-week period | Part of total points |
| Braking penalty points for 2-week period | Part of total points |
| Speed penalty points for 2-week period | Part of total points |
| Phone usage penalty points for 2-week period | Part of total points |
| Cornering penalty points for 2-week period | Part of total points |
totalpoints | total penalty points for 2-weeks period | Total number of fine points from the 5 rows above |
Updated 9 days ago