Processed telematics data format




Processed telematics data contains information about tracks, points, and events after road mapping, events detection and filtering, scoring and other ML enrichments

Table nameShort description
Track Enrichment Finished

📄 Dataset
ℹī¸ This JSON file you will get from API when you subscribed on TrackEnrichmentFinished event.
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Rich tracks
👉 Description
📄 Dataset
A list of processed trips with statistics and safe scoring.
What's there?
- Final track entity based on RichTrackPoints
- Safe score
- Trip metrics
- Trip events metrics
- Start address
- End address
👉 Description
📄 Dataset
Processed track points (waypoints)
What's there?
- Track matching to road graph
- Speed limits
- Events matched to points
- Phone usage (ML)
- Rotation calculated (ML)
👉 Description
📄 Dataset
Processed and filtered events
What's there?
- Events JSON parsing
- Mapping phone usage to events
- Calculating the index - fitstresholds (ML)
👉 Description
📄 Dataset
Trip safe driving score and fine points calculation that is used as a basis for the safe driving score calculation
What's there?
- Aggregated points for 2-weeks period
- Scores for track in 100-scale
👉 Description
📄 Dataset
User safe driving score and fine points calculation that is used as a basis for the safe driving score calculation
What's there?
- Aggregated scores for 2-weeks period

Rich tracks

FieldShort descriptionAdditional information
IdUnique id of rich track
TrackTokenUnique Track Token
DeviceTokenUnique user idUser-service
IncomingTrackIdUnique Incoming track id (Raw track id)
StartDateStart date of the trip
EndDateEnd date of the trip
DistanceTrip distance in km
DurationTrip duration in minutes
AccelerationCountA number of acceleration events during the trip
DecelerationCountA number of braking events during the trip
Rating5-star Safe Score rating
PhoneUsagePhone Usage in minutes
TrackOriginTrack source from application or Machine Learning
OriginChangedFlag of changing track source
AddressStartAddress Start
AddressFinishAddress Finish
DistanceGPSDistanceGPS - distance based on enriched data km
UrbanCity Flag; 1-City; 0-rest
RegionRegion from start point
CountryCountry from start point
RatingOverSpeed5-star Speeding rating
RatingAcceleration5-star Acceleration rating
RatingPhoneUsage5-star Phone usage ration
OverSpeedMileageMileage with 10-20 OverSpeed in km (over km/h)
MidOverSpeedMileageMileage with 20-30 OverSpeed in km (over km/h)
HighOverSpeedMileageMileage with 30+ OverSpeed in km (over km/h)
OriginalTrackOriginIf track origin is changed; original track origin moves to this field
CompanyIdUnique company id
RushHoursDriving time in rush hours in minute (8-10, 17-19)
NightHoursDriving time in night hours in minute (23-6)
DailyHoursDriving time in other hours in minute
RatingDeceleration5-star Braking Rating
MaxSpeedMaximum detected speed (km/h) within the trip
AverageSpeedAverage Speed (km/h)
PhoneUsageKmPhone Usage in km shared 1 if ride is shared with other user
citystartStart City
cityfinishFinish City
updatedtdate of update in DB
corneringcountNumber of cornering within the trip
ratingcornering5-star RatingCornering
beaconidUnique device ID
deviationmetersEuclidean norm of the difference between enriched and incoming points in meters
vehicletokenUnique vehicle IDCar-service
datecreateddate when the trip was received and created in the DB

Rich track points (waypoints)

FieldShort descriptionAdditional information
idUnique if of point
NumberNumber of point in track
TotalMetersDistance since start of track enriched (meters)
SpeedSpeed in point (km/h)
MidSpeedAverage speed since previous point (km/h)
PointDatePoint time
LatitudeLatitude (processed)
LongitudeLongitude (processed)
HeightHeight from GPS
CourseCourse from GPS
YawYaw from GPS
LateralLateral acceleration
AlertTypeAlertType acceleration - for acceleration; deacc for Braking
AlertValueValue of acceleration/ braking in m/s2
SpeedTypeSpeed type for colouring mapLevel 1; Level 2; Level 3
SpeedLimitSpeedlimit in km/hSource: External location platform
PhoneUsagePhone usage: 1- true.
AccelerationAcceleration front value of acceleration in m/s2
DecelerationBraking front value of deceleration in m/s2
UrbanFlag of city
FromSourceOriginal or added by processing of the point
LinkIdMatchedexternal partner match id
TypicalSpeedTypical and average traffic speed for this pointSource: External location platform
RoadTypeRoad TypeSource: External location platform
MidrouteDistance since previous point
IntervalDuration since previous point
TurnTurn flag (left - right - no turn)
LaneCountLane Count Number of lanes on the roadSource: External location platform
SpeedLimitSourceExternal partner idSource: External location platform
TotalMetersGPSDistance since the start of the trip
MidrouteGPSDistance since previous point original
DeviceTokenUnique user id
CompanyIdUnique company id
Cornering1 - true
RotationRotation in point
Deviation metersDeviation from associated incoming points
s2indexIndex of google s2 cell; 16-level
eventidUnique event id
straightroad1 if curvature of the road is >= 1700

Rich Track Events

FieldShort descriptionAdditional information
idUnique event ID within the trip
richtrackidUnique trip id after processing
typetype of event:
- Acceleration
- Braking
- Cornering
timestarttime of event start
durationmsDuration of the event with all gaps between acceleration points in ms
puredurationmsDuration of points with acceleration >= threshold in ms
speedstartGPS speed at the beginning of event
speedstopGPS speed at the end of event
speedmedianMedian GPS speed during event
- Direct - in direction of movement
- Lateral - perpendicular to the movement direction
- Vertical - vertical acceleration
Calc type:
- Without postfix - at the beginning of event
- min - minimum during event
- max - maximum during event
- end - at the end of event
- 05 - 5%-quantile during event
- 95 - 95%-quantile during event
- median - 50%-quantile during event
AccuracyGPS accuracy during event

Calc type:
- Without postfix - at the beginning of event
- min - minimum during event
- max - maximum during event
- end - at the end of event
- 05 - 5%-quantile during event
- 95 - 95%-quantile during event
- median - 50%-quantile during event
SpeedGPS speed during event

Calc type:
- Without postfix - at the beginning of event
- min - minimum during event
- max - maximum during event
- end - at the end of event
- 05 - 5%-quantile during event
- 95 - 95%-quantile during event
- median - 50%-quantile during event
LatitudeStartLatitude of event start
LongitudeStartLongitude of event start
LatitudeFinishLatitude of event finish
LongitudeFinishLongitude of event finish
PhoneUsagePointsIndicator of phone usage in this event; based on ML algorithm; if 1 then event is ignored; 1-false
fitstresholdsIndicator of event adequacy; based on ML algorithm; 1-we use event

Rich Track Details

FieldShort descriptionAdditional information
RichtrackidId of rich track
idid of detail
devicetokenuser’s device token
avglatAverage Latitude of track
avglonAverage Longitude of track
startlatStart Latitude of track
startlonStart Longitude of the track
finishlatFinish Latitude of track
finishlonFinish Longitude of track
starts2indexGoogle s2 start index of track (16 level)
finishs2indexGoogle s2 end index of track (16 level)
accpointsAcceleration penalty points
deaccpointsDeceleration penalty points
speedpointsSpeeding penalty points
phonepointsPhone Usage penalty points
corneringpointsCornering penalty points
totalpointsTotal penalty points

User Statistic Driving Details


This table contains safe driving score information and the basis for its calculation.
👉 more

FieldShort description
DevicetokenUnique user id
calcdateDate of calculation
- scoreacceleration2-week acceleration scorePart of safe score
- scoredeceleration2-week braking scorePart of safe score
- scorespeeding2-week speeding scorePart of safe score
- scoredistraction2-week phone usage scorePart of safe score
- scoreturn2-week cornering scorePart of safe score
Score2-week total safe scorecalculation of 5 scores above
- accpointsAcceleration penalty points for 2-week periodPart of total points
- deaccpointBraking penalty points for 2-week periodPart of total points
- speedpointsSpeed penalty points for 2-week periodPart of total points
- phonepointsPhone usage penalty points for 2-week periodPart of total points
- corneringpointsCornering penalty points for 2-week periodPart of total points
totalpointstotal penalty points for 2-weeks periodTotal number of fine points from the 5 rows above