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Flutter SDK Integration Issue with iOS build

Hi, I am integrated the flutter telematics SDK in my application. After the iOS app launch, It is getting crashed. I am attaching the logs here. Warning: Unable to create restoration in progress marker file *** Assertion failure in -[BGTaskScheduler _unsafe_registerForTaskWithIdentifier:usingQueue:launchHandler:], BGTaskScheduler.m:185 *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'All launch handlers must be registered before application finishes launching'

How to use Telematics SDK with Bluetooth OBD in React Native app?

I am going to get the mileage from the Bluetooth OBD(ELM 327) by using Telematics SDK in my react-native app. So I installed the React Native demo app and it works well. https://github.com/Mobile-Telematics/telematicsSDK-demoapp-react But I want to use the Bluetooth OBD and I think there is no function to connect the Bluetooth OBD with SDK in this SDK(for React Native). Q1. How to connect the Bluetooth OBD with this SDK in React Native app? Q2. How to get the mileage from the SDK with Bluetooth OBD in React Native app?

gradle signingreport

I'm new to Telematics, and I was following the integration guide (<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hbk7p3q8fbw>) step by step when I replaced my key and tried to get SHA1, signingreport task wasn't available on my gradle list. I checked versions and tried to clone again but I still had the same problem. could you please help me with this?

When Tematics release a React Native SDK

currently, we don't see any support for React Native, the solution is we will integrate SDK from native side (both android and ios)

Trip not in progress

Hi! after clone from https://github.com/Mobile-Telematics/TelematicsApp-Android, I encountered issue after following the integration video. It seems everything is set up correctly but it keep showing in the notifications Trip not in progress even Made a trip of about 5 km. another error is shown on logCat: 2022-02-14 19:56:56.494 3083-3083/com.devprime.okataxiapp D/DashboardFragment: observeRank: onSuccess r: 1 2022-02-14 19:56:56.577 3083-3083/com.devprime.okataxiapp D/DashboardFragment: setRank: rank Rank #1 2022-02-14 19:56:56.603 3083-3083/com.devprime.okataxiapp E/StorageException: StorageException has occurred. Object does not exist at location. Code: -13010 HttpResult: 404 2022-02-14 19:56:56.604 3083-3083/com.devprime.okataxiapp D/FIREBASE await: isSuccessful: false task: com.google.firebase.storage.StorageException: Object does not exist at location. 2022-02-14 19:56:56.604 3083-3083/com.devprime.okataxiapp D/getErrorCode: getErrorCode: FirebaseException Object does not exist at location. please help

UserLogin method

When do we need to use UserLogIn? Do we have to log in every time we want to monitor drivers behaviour?

Trip Requirements

https://docs.damoov.com/docs/tools-for-testing Does a trip have to meet all three of these requirements? ie. > 60s, > 2km AND > 30km/h? Additionally, are these values configurable? In some of our use cases it is likely that drivers will be travelling at speeds well below 30km/h for the duration of the trip.

Use Flutter Wrapper

How do I use Flutter telematicsSDK available on Github to make my own Flutter application? Does it contain SDK? Need some guidance over here. Thanks

Can II get the TrackToken for a specific trip

Where I can get a TrackToken?

How can I generate a company code to create separate instances for my corporate clients

I use the open-source telematics app and want to create separate instances for my corporate clients. How I can do that?