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Where did vehicle speed come from? Is it calculated based on time and distance or extracted from a censor?

Where did vehicle speed come from? Is it calculated based on time and distance or extracted from a censor?

Flutter SDK - addFutureTrackTag method on iOS does not work

Hi, I am trying to call the addFutureTrackTag method using the Flutter SDK, like this: ``` await TrackingApi().addFutureTrackTag(tag: tag, source: source); ``` This works perfectly in Android, but throws an error in iOS which crashes the app: ``` telematics_sdk/SwiftTelematicsSDKPlugin.swift:210: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value ``` I noticed in the SwiftTelematicsSDKPlugin.swif (https://github.com/Mobile-Telematics/telematicsSDK-demoapp-flutter-/blob/main/ios/Classes/SwiftTelematicsSDKPlugin.swift) handle function, "addFutureTrackTag" is mapped to the addTrackTags method. Is this intentional? To me, it seems incorrect. lines 63 and 63: ``` .... case "addFutureTrackTag": addTrackTags(call, result) .... ``` I think this needs to be: ``` .... case "addFutureTrackTag": addFutureTrackTag(call, result) .... ```

Trips started in quick succession get merged in the dashboard.

Hi, I am encountering an issue with the flutter sdk. Trips that are taken in quick succession are sometimes merged in to a single trip. We are using the manual tracking method. In our app we click a button to start the trip, which triggers the following event: ``` on<StartShuttleEvent>((event, emit) async { ... // ENABLE SDK AND BEGIN TELEMATICS TRACKING TrackingApi trackingApi = TrackingApi(); trackingApi.setDeviceID(deviceId: deviceToken); trackingApi.setEnableSdk(enable: true); trackingApi.startTracking(); ... } ``` We click a button to end the trip, triggering the end trip event: ``` on<EndShuttleEvent>((event, emit) async { // END TELEMATICS TRACKING TrackingApi().stopTracking(); // DISABLE SDK TrackingApi().setEnableSdk( enable: false, uploadBeforeDisabling: true, ); ... } ``` If, after I end the first trip, I start the second trip within a short period, the second trip will be merged with the first. For example: - The trip with trackId = 13538592 was considered one trip, when we expected it to be two. - The trip with trackId = 13580467 was considered one trip, when we expected it to be three. My first guess was that the first trip was not being uploaded before the second trip was being started which was causing the trips to be merged. I am not sure how the tracking is actually implemented though to verify. I wondered if you could provide any input on why this might be happening? Thank you.

Where I can find a trackID or tracktoken

Some API methods require TripID or TripToken. where can I find it?

What is identified as a 'track' in the raw telematic data?

What is identified as a 'track' in the raw telematic data?

Driving events

Hello i need to know the deference between Acceleration and speeding in the app please

What is vehicle 'angle'?

What is vehicle 'angle'?

Driving behaviour tracking and APIs

As I was going through the API, i could not figure out how a user's driving behaviour can be monitored? Is there a api that we have to call to tell SDK that the trip has started or it does that automatically?

When capturing a Track, how is the StartDate and EndDate determined?

When capturing a Track, how is the StartDate and EndDate determined?

How to modify driver scoring settings?

Hi, I am using the SDK for a driving school customer. I would like to play around with the driver scoring settings (thresholds for acceleration, speeding, braking etc.) and modify them for the company I am working with. How do I do that? The documentation is a bit unclear. Thanks, Harsh.