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Update the React Native SDK

Hi, is there a plan to update the React Native SDK to fully function especially with the M1? Because switching my XCode to Rosetta, like described here (https://docs.damoov.com/docs/ios-sdk-for-m1-processors) is not possible in my environment. Greets Lukas

Where I can find a trackID or tracktoken

Some API methods require TripID or TripToken. where can I find it?

What is identified as a 'track' in the raw telematic data?

What is identified as a 'track' in the raw telematic data?

What is vehicle 'angle'?

What is vehicle 'angle'?

Where did vehicle speed come from? Is it calculated based on time and distance or extracted from a censor?

Where did vehicle speed come from? Is it calculated based on time and distance or extracted from a censor?

When capturing a Track, how is the StartDate and EndDate determined?

When capturing a Track, how is the StartDate and EndDate determined?

How to simulate rides for Android

Hi, I see we can emulate for IOS (https://docs.damoov.com/docs/ios-simulator) Is there any chance to do this programmatically for android?

Use Flutter Wrapper

How do I use Flutter telematicsSDK available on Github to make my own Flutter application? Does it contain SDK? Need some guidance over here. Thanks

Trip Requirements

https://docs.damoov.com/docs/tools-for-testing Does a trip have to meet all three of these requirements? ie. > 60s, > 2km AND > 30km/h? Additionally, are these values configurable? In some of our use cases it is likely that drivers will be travelling at speeds well below 30km/h for the duration of the trip.

Flutter SDK - addFutureTrackTag method on iOS does not work

Hi, I am trying to call the addFutureTrackTag method using the Flutter SDK, like this: ``` await TrackingApi().addFutureTrackTag(tag: tag, source: source); ``` This works perfectly in Android, but throws an error in iOS which crashes the app: ``` telematics_sdk/SwiftTelematicsSDKPlugin.swift:210: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value ``` I noticed in the SwiftTelematicsSDKPlugin.swif (https://github.com/Mobile-Telematics/telematicsSDK-demoapp-flutter-/blob/main/ios/Classes/SwiftTelematicsSDKPlugin.swift) handle function, "addFutureTrackTag" is mapped to the addTrackTags method. Is this intentional? To me, it seems incorrect. lines 63 and 63: ``` .... case "addFutureTrackTag": addTrackTags(call, result) .... ``` I think this needs to be: ``` .... case "addFutureTrackTag": addFutureTrackTag(call, result) .... ```